
Random ramblings on.

I approach fiction like I do life in one regard, no judgements on human characters (though it is easier to pass judgement on fictional characters, I try not to since it is a form of practice to not judge people but rather actions). So to me four white women doing something could be like my three (male) friends when I was a teenager - it's the circumstances and actions that I relate to (or not) but not the people.

This is how I've envisioned myself as everyone in this universe, from males to females, and people from all different walks of life (races, etc.). So when I read/watch fiction, I'm either the person doing those things or not. It doesn't matter what labels are being used -- what judgements are being passed on people -- it is the actions they take that matter.

It all goes back to the issue of being free from the Matrix right? Most people live in it, and even watch the movie, without realising the allegory. But how do you wake up? What does that even mean?

There's a comment in the above video he makes about being you. I think part of waking up involves seeing yourself without any judgement (and subsequently doing the same to others). How many people actually have ever seen their selves looking inward? Let alone see their true self, without any "residual self image"? It's actually technically easy to do if you know how. It's not easy to explain but I will try anyway: stop for a moment and think about yourself as you really are. Once you see you, it will free you instantly and "cure" you of this disease he's talking about provided you use it as long as needed. If you don't get what I am saying, keep trying it until you get it. Then use it as long as you need to. Look at yourself without judgement. It's the most natural thing to do, since it's you.

Once technology was developed that gave us the ability to look outward, it seems that humanity has moved away from looking inward. We spend so much of our time looking outward that what I say above may seem incomprehensible. But I'm not saying anything new. It's the same thing others have said. And as I said before, an integration of these two views is needed also to result in a healthy individual. It shouldn't even have to be a big deal but yet it seems to be and we seem to have lost it in this quest for endless growth.

Children (mostly in developed worlds) can do this all the time. Older people do this also. I myself re-learnt to do this several years back due to serendipity and understand it now for what it is. But it's nothing mysterious or difficult: it's one of the most easy things there is for us to do but people have lost track of due to their focus on the next shiny thing.

Again, try it out and don't give up until you see yourself without judging. Humans naturally evaluate (judge) so your goal is to evaluate yourself, see yourself for who you are, without any baggage. If it helps, close your eyes, take a breath (or a few). But it is important to not be distracted for a moment at least while you are judging yourself and a moment is all you need (and it also probably helps tremendously once you're past the lower levels of Maslow's hierarchy of needs). Once you see what I am referring to, you will need to repeat it for as long as needed to free yourself.

I myself like looking at myself and it makes me feel good but the point is not just to see your self truly but also so you don't see yourself the way others see you (this is the pathology). Before I did this routinely, I was a fairly nonjudgemental person but since then I've gotten really good at it and at forgiving myself and others easily. I even feel weird for writing this post (which is natural) and I'm reminded of what Krishnamurti said about people teaching themselves. But I was just discussing this today with someone else who is able to do this and why it was hard for people to do this even though it is a simple and easy action to undertake.

I maintain it is hard because of our focus on things that don't matter. What matters is you, and looking at others as you look at yourself. We don't encourage our kids to hold on to this even though young kids do it naturally since either they won't understand what you're talking about, and then they lose it to the Matrix of materialism we live in.

Pseudointellectual ramblings || Ram Samudrala || me@ram.org