

Progressive symphonic metal with syncopated drumming is how I'd begin to describe Somnabulist. The band combines elements of metal and electronic noise with those of jazz and classical music to create a lush landscape that demands and warrants careful attention from the listener. The drumming is tight and controlled, and the bass work is striking in some places (Conqueror Worm for example). The guitar work sometimes borders on the psychedelic, ala Syd Barrett and early Pink Floyd, and sometimes is neoclassical sounding. The keyboards are what stand out the most and what I really like about this release---it is what lends the music the symphonic quality and it fits in really well with the other instruments. The Mellotron pieces are pure genius. I think the production could've been slightly improved by making the keyboards richer sounding. I also didn't think the vocals mixed very well with the music (they seemed to float on top). In fact, I think this album could've been better excluding vocals altogether, except in a couple of instances (Return of the Son of Civilization and Multum in Parvo). But aside from those minor criticisms this ranks as one of the best independent recordings I've heard in a long time.

Music ramblings || Ram Samudrala ||