ELF 4( UWVhu h h ƿ8u h$ h$e^_UWVS8Dž)Dž)Dž))P)Dž)v)ƄŨcB)~h h/h1)P )hcPu h c#t hTh )PhJcPPƅbDž)) )+c#h hVcPbWhOWPxbSuS Dž)hOuhQW;))j|)t h)V 8u)bP=))))ы)fD|)_8u)8t Dž)C;)bf8u)ƄŨc;bfD R)ŨcP))h)ŨcPh h1)P)u h);)t#)VhbS$)u h`bthmbPuh hh1)PDž))(ct)cP))~h h1)Pbf8u u$ he[^_ÐUWVS!hh/h1P hPu h#t hDhHSPhPPhOSPP;}3hOjPŨPC;|΍v#hOVPSuS uZfSP;}6hOjPPC;|ΉhVAhh1Pu h| huh$hfh($d$ hhhPpPPh P8PPh`PPPhH (PPPhxPPPh PXPPh$$$<$e[^_ÍvUWS hh h/h"PhPu hhvuPÅu hj SCtPPfD h h"Ph hh"PP h h"Pe[_REMOTE_USERREQUEST_METHODPOSTmodify_profiler/home/ram/tmp/login.info# %d|%s%sPasswordE-maildelete/home/ram/tmp/.htpasswdwdisplay_profile# %d %sModifying profile

testdelete_from_group_file/home/ram/tmp/.htgroupYou shouldn't be here, go away!modify_profile(): no opening line in profile file!modify_profile(): first line must be a comment line!modify_profile(): forbidden character (PROFILE_DELIMETER) encountered!modify_profile(): your profile was not found; profile not modified!modify_profile(): field_count (%d) and max_fields (%d) do not match!modify_profile(): no e-mail address specified; must specify e-mail address!modify_profile(): profile successfully deleted!modify_profile(): profile successfully modified!display_profile(): no opening line in profile file!display_profile(): first line must be a comment line!display_profile(): your profile was not found!

Modifying profile for %s

Change the fields as necessary. You will need to fill in the E-mail address.To delete your profile, simple type in %s in the password field. Note that this will permanently erase your profile!



%s: %s: %s: %s:

Enter your password here if you wish it to be changed:

delete_from_group_file(): couldn't find group line in group file!delete_from_group_file(): couldn't find user name in group list!GCC: (GNU) 3.4.2 [FreeBSD] 20040728.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.rel.text.data.bss.rodata.str1.1.rodata.str1.4.comment4  H %@ +@ 02@ 9?2| Ni%W0  5 !&-;J|MZgqw~@.modify.ccontent_type_displayedmaingetenvdisplay_errormodify_profiledisplay_profileread_entriesopen_filefgetssscanfcheck_eofcheck_max_countstrcpystrtokstrcmpsprintfstrchrstrcatclose_filemodify_passwordfputsdelete_from_group_filedisplay_content_typeprintfputsdisplay_signaturestrstr  % 05 <Y^ f ty   4CH \a l{ +EMS~ [%* GS[ ot #.NUZ gl    !)/?X_v "DW\hw|   27NSgl   ! ! &  > "O T  c ~